Abstracta 'Aircone' Hanging Acoustic Screens

From £33.60
Abstracta Aircone is a modular hanging acoustic screen system, moulded into three-dimensional triangular panels.
From £33.60
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(Sold in packs of 1)
Aircone is a diffusing hanging divider that is acoustically effective for dividing open spaces in offices, circulation areas and more. The triangular modules can be joined and arranged to suit the design requirements, and the screens can be suspended either from the ceiling or against the wall. Dimensions of each triangle : 465mm x 405mm x 85mm thickness
Finish Fabric
Fixing Method Wire Hangers
Acoustic Performance Class D
Best For Cinema/Auditorium, Home Office/Domestic, Meeting/AV Room, Museum/Library, Office, Restaurant/Hotel, School/Classroom, Sports Hall, Studio, Village/Church Hall, Warehouse/Industrial
Lead Time 2-6 weeks
Brand Abstracta
Application Ceilings
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